Astronomy is the study of stars and planets. You will be learning the basic history of all planets and stars.
Please arrive to class prepared and on time. I will take off points if you don’t come to class with your required materials. (Always mention your materials when you post your arrival.) This class isn't all about looking at stars you WILL learn history and such. Some of what I mention may not interest you, that’s perfectly fine. You MUST take notes when I say you will be taking notes. Please remember NO ONE is perfect! Everyone makes mistakes, so make sure to get an answer wrong every so often.
Showing up to lessons is not an option. Participation is a
must in this class. If you don’t show up you will get a 0 for that lesson. The same goes for if you show up and don’t participate. If you can not make it to class or you will be late, please contact me via Owl
before class begins.
Homework will be assigned at the end of the lesson. Sometimes homework will not be assigned. You are required to do your homework and hand it in
on time. You’ll get a 0 if you submit your homework late.
Extra Help:
If you have any questions please either: Owl me or come to my office.
Each lesson you can get a maximum of 15 points. Your final exam is worth 30 points. Below you will see my point system:
Attendance: 5 points
Coming Prepared: 5 points
Participation: 5 Points
Final Exam: 30 Points
In this class there will be a minimum of five lessons. Your final grade is based on a 100 point system. I will give you your grade at the end of the year. You need at least an A to pass.
(O) Outstanding = 90 – 100 points.
(E) Exceeds Expectations = 75 - 89 points.
(A) Acceptable = 60 -74 points.
(P) Poor = 45-59 points.
(D) Dreadful = 30-44 points.
(T) Troll = 0-29 points.
If you have been successful enough to pass the years to make it to years 5 and 7, you will be required to take your OWLS or NEWTS. Study hard and questions are encouraged before exam time.
Before you can sign up on your sign up sheet, you must sign below:
- Code:
I, [insert name] have read these rules and promise to abide by them